On this page, I will introduce how to make creases for Ehiroi.

In the model – Ehiroi, make basic-creases in each blue square.

Fold the top right square in half diagonally.

Fold the paper like this picture.

Then make creases at the dotted lines.

Fold the paper like this picture.

On the other side, fold the paper like this picutre.

Then fold the top right square in half diagonally in the other direction.
It is better not to make creases, which will not be used, as much as possible.
By not making creases which will not be used, completed cranes will be more beautiful.
Therefore, when making a crease at the blue dotted line, try not to make a crease at the green line.

Fold the paper like this picture.

Then make creases at the dotted lines.

Fold the paper like this picture.

On the other side, fold the paper like this picture.

Then fold the top right square in half.

Fold the paper like this picture.

Then fold the top right square in half in the other direction.
At that time, try not to make a crease at the green line.

Fold the paper like this picture.

After making a crease, rotate the paper 180 degrees.

Then fold the paper in half diagonally.

Fold the paper like this picture.
Then make creases at the dotted lines.

After making creases, it looks like this picture.

Then fold the paper in half diagonally in the other direction.

Fold the paper like this picture.
Then make creases at the dotted lines.

After making creases, it looks like this picture.

If the dotted lines are made mountain-folds,
make valley-folds on the dotted lines.

Fold the paper like this picture.

On the other line, fold the paper like this picture.

After making creases, it looks like this picture.
Making creases is complete!