On this site, I’ve considered and posted how to fold “連鶴/Renzuru” while referencing diagrams in the book which is “秘伝千羽鶴折形/Hiden-Senbazuru-Orikata”.
The book was published in 1797.
Renzuru means connected-cranes which are made of only one paper without glue and tape.
In the book – Hiden-Senbazuru-Orikata, there are 49 models of Renzuru.
I posted how to fold 46 models other than Hyakkaku, Karyobin and Tsurihune.
There are pictures of 46 completed models on this page.
I separated 46 models by 6 types.
If you click Renzuru’s name, you will move to pages which are how to fold the model.
Kinds of Renzuru 『Hiden-Senbazuru-Orikata』
Ehiroi-type is models that mainly tips of beaks or tails or wings are connected to each other.

Imoseyama-type is models that wings are connected to each other.

Sugomori-type is models that are made while folding a paper in a particular way.

Sozi-type is 5 models.
When making Sozi-type, cut a paper in half and make almost the same creases.
However, if you cut different parts, it will be made one of 5 models.

Huran-type is models that parts, which are other than tips of beaks or tails or wings, are connected to each other.

Murakumo-type is models that a belly of a small crane is connected to another.

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On this site, I’ve considered and posted how to fold Renzuru.
I recommend the link below if you have never folded Renzuru!