Make Nunozarashi

Start with folding the square that has been circled to make a crane.

Make a star-shape like this picture.
Then make a bird-base so that the yellow lines are changed to wings.

This picture is halfway through.

Fold neatly until the tip.

The bird-base is finished.

First, fold the head/tail, which is connected, to the center while pinching both sides that have been circled.
By folding it while pinching them, it will get harder to put pressure on a connecting part.

Fold the head/tail like this picture.

After folding the head/tail, raise it.

Raise it like this picture.

Fold the other head/tail to the center.

Raise it like this picture.
The first crane is finished.

This is the enlarged picture of the connecting part.

Then fold the square that has been circled to make a crane.

Make a star-shape like this picture.
Then make a bird-base so that the yellow lines are changed to wings.

This picture is halfway through.

The bird-base is finished.

First, fold the head/tail, which is connected to the completed crane, to the center while pinching both sides that have been circled.

Fold the head/tail like this picture.

After folding the head/tail, raise it.

Raise it like this picture.

Fold the other head/tail to the center while pinching both sides that have been circled.

Fold the head/tail like this picture.

After folding the head/tail, raise it.

Raise it like this picture.
The second crane is finished.