Make Huyou

Start with folding the first square from the end.
Make a star-shape like this picture.
Then make a bird-base so that a wing is connected to another.

This picture is halfway through.

The bird-base is finished.

Fold each of the head/tail to the center.

Raise them like this picture.
The first crane is finished.

Then fold the square beside the completed crane to make a crane.

Make a star-shape like this picture.
Then make a bird-base so that wings are connected to others.

This picture is halfway through.

The bird-base is finished.

Fold the left head/tail to the center.

Raise the head/tail.

Then move the paper to the left like this picture.

Fold the right head/tail to the center.

Raise it like this picture.
The second crane is finished.

Then fold the square beside the completed crane to make a crane in the same way as the 7th step to the 14th step.

The third crane is finished.
Fold the square beside the completed crane to make a crane as well.

The fourth crane is finished.
Fold the last square to make a crane.

All the cranes are finished.

Make each beak so that all cranes face in the same direction.

Spread wings in a different way from a basic crane.
Pinching both sides at the yellow circle will spread wings.
I recommend that you don’t spread wing of each end.

This picture is taken before spreading wings.

After spreading wings without spreading wing of each end, it looks like this picture.
By not spreading wing of each end, this model will be placed on neatly.

Huyou is complete!
When you post pictures of your completed Renzuru works on social media,
please write my website’s name – “Tsuru-no-Goshiki” or paste the link!
On Instagram, if you write “@ritsu_cranes”,
I will be able to see your works and glad!😀
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