Make Yokogumo

Start with folding the square that has been circled to make a crane.

Fold the paper on the dotted line.

Fold the paper on the blue dotted line and make a mountain-fold on the yellow line.
Then fold the bottom right and bottom left to the center point.

After making shape like this picture,
make a valley-fold on the dotted line and move the paper in the direction of the arrow.

After moving the paper, it looks like this picture.

Fold the paper on the eight creases around in order to make a star-shape. (Make valley-folds on the eight creases around.)

Fold the top left edge on the dotted line while holding the paper like this picture.

Fold the edge like this picture.

Fold the paper in the direction of the arrow.

Then fold the top right edge on the dotted line while holding the paper like this picture.

Fold the edge like this picture.
Then turn the paper over as it is while pinching the top that you have folded.

Proceed with steps until the 19th step while pinching the part that has been circled.

Move both sides in the direction of the arrows.

Make a mountain-fold at the dotted line.

Make a mountain-fold like this picture.

The part that has been circled would be swollen.
Push the part from top to make creases.

After making creases, it looks like this picture.

Move the center in the direction of the arrow to make a crease at the dotted line.

After making a crease, it looks like this picture.