“扇/Ougi” is an original Renzuru model of this site – “Tsuru-no-Goshiki”.
Renzuru means connected-cranes which are made of only one paper without glue and tape.
I’ve posted only ways to prepare a paper for original models other than Temusubi.
Renzuru models which I posted how to make them are yellow thumbnails like the picture below.
If you are looking for those models, please look for them on the top page.

— Total difficulty level —
— By item —
Tear easily :☆☆・・・
Complexity :☆☆・・・
Hard to fold:☆☆・・・
Ougi is the model that a big crane is connected to six small cranes.
Make two small cranes while putting a square on top of another square.
Therefore, make this model carefully.
Completed Ougi

The diagram of Ougi

The diagram of Ougi
Preparation of an origami paper
a 17.5×17.5cm paper or it is bigger than 17.5cm.
・Basic origami paper
・Double sided origami paper
・Washi paper
I made this model with a 17.5×17.5cm basic origami paper.
If you use a big paper, it will get easier to make this model.
In order to draw lines, prepare a pencil and a ruler as well!

Draw lines like this picture.
(Divide the paper in five.)
If you use a 17.5×17.5cm paper, the side of each square is 3.5cm.

After drawing lines, turn the paper over to make creases on the dotted lines.

Make creases on the dotted lines that you have drawn.

Make a crease along the line that you have drawn like this picture.

Then make a crease along the other line that you have drawn as well.

After making creases, it looks like this picture.
Preparing an origami paper is completed!
Make creases
To make creases on a paper before cutting the paper is very important.
If you cut a paper first before making creases, it will get harder to make creases on the paper.
Also, there’s a possibility that the paper is cut halfway when making creases.
This step is making basic-creases on each square.
On the other page, there is how to make basic-creases.
I will paste the link down below.

Make basic-creases, which are the green lines and the blue lines in this picture, on each square in the paper.

Make basic-creases in each orange square.

This picture is taken after making basic-creases in each orange square.
Please make sure whether there are the creases, which are the green lines and the blue lines in the 2 pictures ago, in each yellow square.
Cut the paper
Cut your paper after making creases!

The diagram of Ougi

Cut the paper while referencing the diagram.

This is an enlarged picture.
If you make a cut so that connecting parts are a bit long, this model will be more beautiful.
I used a 17.5×17.5cm paper.
I left about 3mm for the length of the connecting part.
Make sure the direction of each crane
When making Renzuru, to fold cranes while making sure the direction of each crane is very important.
On this site, I will draw lines on each square in a picture.
Make cranes so that the lines are changed to wings.
I recommend that you draw lines lightly on the back in order not to make a mistake.

Make cranes so that the yellow lines are changed to wings.
Preparing a paper for Ougi is finished!
Make this model carefully while making sure the direction of each crane!

When folding circled squares,
make a crane while putting the circled square in the same color on top of the other.

After making all cranes, make beaks while referencing this picture.
(make beaks of small cranes so that small cranes face in the same direction as a big crane.)
When you post pictures of your completed Renzuru works on social media,
please write my website’s name – “Tsuru-no-Goshiki” or paste the link!
On Instagram, if you write “@ritsu_cranes”,
I will be able to see your works and glad!😀
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