Make Sekirei

Put the paper like this picture.
Then fold the right square in half on the dotted line.

Fold the paper like this picture.
Then fold the right to the left on the dotted line.

Fold the paper like this picture.
Then rotate the paper 90 degrees to the left as it is.

After rotating the paper, roll the square up to the left from the right so that it is thinner than the hole in the bottom.

This picture is halfway through.
Roll the square up carefully so that connecting parts don’t tear.

After rolling the square up, put the rolled part through the hole in the bottom.

This picture is halfway through.

After putting the rolled part in the hole like this picture, turn the paper over as it is.

After turning the paper over, move the rolled part upwards while moving it in the direction of the blue arrow.
(Move the rolled part so that the circled part is on the paper.)

Move the rolled part so that the circled part is on the paper like this picture.
Then spread the rolled part carefully.

Spread the rolled part like this picture.
Then unfold the square.

Unfold the square like this picture.

Then fold the square which has the hole to make a crane.
Fold the other two corners to the center point.

Fold the other two corners to the center point like this picture.

Then make a star-shape.

After making a star-shape, make mountain-folds at the dotted lines.
If you pinch each of them from top, it will get easier to make mountain-folds.

Make mountain-folds like this picture.

Then move both sides in the direction of the arrows.

This picture is halfway through.
Move both sides in the direction of the arrows while making valley-folds on the blue lines and mountain-folds on the yellow lines.

Move both sides and make creases like this picture.