Rotate the paper 90 degree.
Then fold the right edge to the center to make a crease at the dotted line.

Fold the paper like this picture.

Fold the right edge to the crease that you have made in the previous step.

Fold the paper like this picture.

Fold the left edge to the center to make a crease at the dotted line.

Fold the paper like this picture.

Fold the left edge to the crease that you have made in the previous step.

Fold the paper like this picture.

Fold the left edge to the crease in the second from the right.

Fold the paper like this picture.

Fold the right edge to the crease in the third from the left.

Fold the paper like this picture.

Fold the left edge to the crease in the first from the right.

Fold the paper like this picture.

Fold the right edge to the crease in the first from the left.

Fold the paper like this picture.

After making creases, it looks like this picture.
(The green lines are lines that you have made.)

Then fold the paper diagonally to make creases at the dotted lines.

Fold the paper like this picture.

Fold the paper in the opposite direction like this picture as well.

After making creases, it looks like this picture.
(The green lines are lines that you have made.)

On the other side, repeat the 7th step to the 26th step one more time to make creases.

After making creases, it looks like this picture.

After spreading the paper, it looks like this picture.
Preparing an origami paper is completed!