Make creases
To make creases on a paper before cutting the paper is very important.
If you cut a paper first before making creases, it will get harder to make creases on the paper.
Also, there’s a possibility that the paper is cut halfway when making creases.
This step is making creases.
When making this model,
fold a small crane in the way to make a basic-crane for connected-cranes.
fold a big crane in a specific way.
Make creases for making this model while referencing this pages.
On the other page, there is how to make a basic-crane for connected-cranes.

The yellow line is the first crease from the top.
The light blue line is the third crease from the top.
Make a mountain-fold on the light blue line.
Then fold it to the yellow line.

This picture is halfway through.
Make a mountain-fold like this picture.
Then fold it to the yellow line.

Fold the paper like this picture.
Then turn the paper over as it is.

After turning the paper over, fold four corners to the center point.

Fold four corners like this picture.
Then rotate the paper 45 degrees to the left.

After rotating the paper, fold the paper in half in each direction.

Fold the paper like this picture.

In the other direction, fold the paper like this picture.

After making creases, it looks like this picture.

Then make creases at the dotted lines.

Fold the paper like this picture.
(Fold the bottom to the edge of the flap.)

On the other side, fold the paper like this picture.
(Fold the bottom to the edge of the flap.)

Then make creases at the dotted lines as well.

After making creases, it looks like this picture.
Then spread the paper.

After spreading the paper, make basic-creases in the yellow square.

Basic-creases are which are the green lines and the blue lines in this picture.
You have already made the green lines.
Therefore, make the blue lines.

Fold the horizontal yellow line in the left to the vertical yellow line in the top.
Also, fold the vertical yellow line in the bottom to the horizontal yellow line in the right.
Then make a crease at the dotted line.

Fold the paper like this picture.

Then make creases at the dotted lines.
After making creases, spread the paper.

Fold the horizontal yellow line in the right to the vertical yellow line in the top.
Also, fold the vertical yellow line in the bottom to the horizontal yellow line in the left.
Then make a crease at the dotted line.

Fold the paper like this picture.

Then make creases at the dotted lines.
After making creases, spread the paper.

After spreading the paper, it looks like this picture.
Making creases is finished!
Cut the paper
Cut your paper after making creases!

<reference>『Hiden-Senbazuru-Orikata』- was published in 1797

Cut the paper while referencing the diagram.
Depending on color of the arrows, a length of a cut is different.

The yellow line is the center line.
I cut the paper so that the part which is shown by the blue arrow is 1mm
and the part which is shown by the yellow arrow is 3mm.
Therefore, a connecting part is 4mm.
(I used a 26x26cm paper.)
Make sure the direction of each crane
When making Renzuru, to fold cranes while making sure the direction of each crane is very important.
On this site, I will draw lines on each square in a picture.
Make cranes so that the lines are changed to wings.
I recommend that you draw lines lightly on the back in order not to make a mistake.

Make cranes so that the yellow lines are changed to wings.
After making sure the direction of each crane, make the model – Arino-to.
In the next pages, there is how to make the model.
If you try to make it by yourself, I recommend that you don’t look at the next page!